Up-To-Date Research Paper Topics On Juvenile Justice
Choosing a research paper topic on Juvenile justice is little difficult and not all the topics are easily approved by your professors as some need case study while others require detailed knowledge of laws made for juveniles. In some cases, the word limit is so confined that case study can’t be covered in it while in other cases, there are a huge number of laws and most of them are linked with the other in some respect which only a lawyer can understand. In such cases you are suggested to write after carrying enough research and then choosing the topic diligently.
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Following are some of the up- to- date research topics that you can work on
How juvenile justice is linked with drug crime? Discuss how drug usage has a chronic effect on violent crimes? How it hampers cognitive issues, poor education, ill health and strained family relationships?
What all juvenile detention facilities can be provided as part of self-improvement courses and formal education programs?
How juveniles with learning difficulties treated by society? How their requirements can be met?
How youth offending teams work with druggist juveniles who are at a risk?
How optimistic behavior of the youth workers can assist the juvenile delinquency issues?
How youth workers can associate themselves with agencies and provide justice?
How different is the juvenile justice system in contrast to adult justice system?
Discuss and compare the juvenile justice system of the two countries?
How juvenile justice system of India can be made better?
Discuss if juvenile justice system in India is a part of the treatment program or part of the punishment?
Does physical abuse brings the victim closer to the crime? How they should be treated?
What percentage of juvenile culprits turn into adult miscreants?
Discuss some of the rehabilitation techniques used as part of the juvenile justice system?
Are juvenile culprits mentally sick? Why, why not?
In which case, a juvenile offender should be punished the same way as an adult?
How juveniles can be provided the justice?
Undoubtedly many laws have been made to deal with different juvenile issues but the demand is to make them more refined and uproot the basic cause that is accountable for causing such problems. Better formal education, loving atmosphere at home, good understanding with others, uprooting serious issues like usage of drugs and ban of alcohol can cure the juvenile issues to a great extent. However, those who are already culprit should be offered psychological support too.
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